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I'm not a writer. I'm not a blogger. I'm a hands on type of gal. But this year I am going to attempt to share some of my organizational insights and experiences and just write.

Let's see how that works out!

It's Feb 1st. It's a quiet week. A lot of small jobs and a lot of cancellations but it gives me time to think, to breathe, to get my own home back into shape. My oldest has just left for college. There was a lot left behind for mom to deal with. While I'm not getting rid of everything she owns, the logical me knows that whatever she left she will likely not want ever again. ( I set sail for America in the 90s leaving everything behind. I never went back for it) Aside from a winter coat which she definitely doesn't need in Florida! So I've packed up all the hoodies, added all her personal items to her memory box, thrown out all the old makeup and moved her sister into her old room!

I feel calm. It's a feeling I hope I create when working in my clients homes. Which leads me to my reason for this blog.

I have been working with many repeat clients for years now. Being called up for a refresher is normal. However, sometimes I wonder if my original systems are working. Why do they need me to come back if I set them up in the first place? Am I not doing a good job?

But then I think, no. Stop with the self doubt!! It's just real life. We are busy, we can be lazy or too tired to deal with things. And that's ok. In all honesty I get home from work and the absolute last thing I want to do is pick up and clean my own house!

So I go and clean up or refresh spaces and it's always easy because it's my system. I know the home as well as my own. I know where everything is and where everything goes. It was always worth the initial set up.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a big thankyou to my loyal clients. The ones who have my number on speed dial since I started this organization journey and the ones who know I am always there to help when I'm needed.

Cheers to 2023 , (I know I'm a month late, ) and here's to meeting new clients and friends along the way!


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