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What on earth am I doing?

Do you ever say yes to something, convinced you can do it. Get into it and realize that perhaps you made a mistake and its way too much for you to handle. Go ahead and attempt it anyway. Pull it off and feel a huge sense of accomplishment?

Yup, that was this project!

I met my client last year. Took on the project. Simple little basement workspace for her handyman hubby. Started the planning, checked out some ideas on Pinterest. Shopped for product. Had my vision.

I needed a handyman. I found a new one, his rate was good, he had done great work. Hired!!

Handyman: can you send me $500 for materials?

Me: $500? That seems like a lot!

Handyman : Im bringing my assistant, its going to take us about 5 days. The total cost will be $2800

Me: Ok thanks, Ill get back to you......

Fast forward a few weeks, through Christmas and New Years and a snowstorm, (amazed that I haven't been fired by the client at this point for taking so long) Called my good friend Bobby. Picked up the materials myself ($100!!!). Bobby framed and hung the pegboard in 3 hours. Apparently stone walls are incredibly hard to put screws into, sorry about the drill Bobby!

I did the rest.

I have never been so happy to finish a project. A few more tweaks and tidies to do ,and honestly, how many screwdrivers does a person need?? Im almost done and the clients reaction....

`WOW!!!! Its incredible!!`

`Its so awesome! Quite the challenge we gave you`

So it just goes to show that you really can accomplish anything you put your mind to , with a little help from your friends!

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